Easy SEO Tricks to Boost your SEO Strategy

When it comes to boosting your site’s SEO performance, no one can be sure that they’ve implemented all the techniques and strategies. This is because is SEO is a never ending process and you need to be updated with the latest SEO trends and techniques. But to your surprise, there are some smaller chinks in your own SEO strategy, which when corrected could boost your website’s search engine rankings to a great extent.

According to a recent HubSpot statistics, around 12 million searches have been conducted per month. So you need to put all your efforts in making your content rich and attractive to the eyes of the people, or else what is the point of having a website with all the content, graphics and illustrations but without any visitors.

Often good habits start by eliminating all the bad habits in you, likewise, an effective SEO strategy is all about weeding out all the ineffective practices and going for effective SEO techniques and strategies.

Content is the King
Yes, Content is always the King, when it comes to SEO. And any effective SEO strategy only starts with dealing with its content first and all other techniques come later. Once you have your content right, you can be sure that you created a solid base for your future SEO strategies. So having quality content on your website is important because quality content helps in:

  • Engaging your visitors and increase traffic to your website
  • Increasing your search engine rankings
  • Getting quality outbound links from other websites

Even a lot of famous and established brands commit these mistakes in their product portfolios. It is never enough to have hi-res images of your products or 360-degree view of your products, but what makes your product visible in the search engines is the detailed description of your product. Understand how one would search for your products or what keywords would be used by customers to search your product and try to use those in your product pages.

And simply by adding content to your website doesn’t do any good, unless it is of high quality, interesting and informative. When a visitor finishes reading your content, he should feel satisfied get what he needed and not leave your website confused, without understanding what’s being said in the content.

Quality is also not the only factor that makes a visitor returns to your website, but quantity too. If the quality is good and if a visitor likes your website, he won’t hesitate to come again, and hence you need to add content to your website regularly.

Keyword Research & Optimization
Keyword research and optimization is another important aspect that can boost your SEO campaign to a great extent. Let’s take an example of a very generic keyword like “cat food”. But this keyword is not specific and will be used by only people who are searching for more information about cat food or any news about the topic. But if you go specific and change the keyword to “buy organic cat food” then you are targeting only people who are willing to buy some organic food for their cats. Hence, any keyword should be specific to your company’s products and services. Also, make sure the keywords are worded in a more conventional way than mixing any marketing jibes into it.

Optimizing Your Site for Mobile
One more aspect of boosting your SEO strategy is to make sure your website is completely optimized for mobile users. According to a recent stats from Mobify.com, people using mobiles to access the internet has reached around 1.2 billion and every search made in a mobile lead to some kind of action within an hour. Also, another stat reveals the fact that the mobile searching behavior has increased by 43% from last year.

Please keep in mind that your customers/visitors are using their mobiles to shop than a couple of years before and are using all kinds of devices like smartphones, tablets and even phone watches to access the web. Many established brands have identified this trend and became mobile-friendly a long time back. One more thing why mobile optimization should be on the top of your list is that Google has updated its search algorithm to promote websites that are more mobile friendly when people search using their mobiles. Hence, it is extremely important to make sure that mobile optimization takes a prominent place in your SEO strategies.

Optimize the Speed of your Website
Imagine you are visiting a website and it takes ages to load the home page, what would you do? You would certainly ignore the website and go to another website. The page-load speed of a website is also one factor that could affect its prospects in gaining higher search engine rankings. A recent survey has indicated that around 40% of customers have left the website that had slower load times.

Pingdom is one useful tool that will give a detailed breakdown of every element on your website and how much time every element took to load. With this information, you can easily optimize the elements that takes a longer time to load and increase the overall load time of your website. Changing your host from shared server to a dedicated server or a VPN can also significantly boost your load times if the slowness is connected to any hardware issues.

Earn Inbound Links, Don’t Buy
Having inbound links from many highly ranked websites will definitely boost your search engine rankings. But because of this, no one should indulge in buying links on other sites, as it is against the webmaster guidelines of Google. Also, Google has updated its algorithm to detect spurious or manipulative links. And if your site was caught buying or selling links, then your rankings will be brought down to an all-time low instantly. So instead of spending money to buy links, invest your time to create quality content, so that it attracts more visitors and other high ranking websites would automatically link your content for free.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money or use advanced techniques to boost your SEO strategy, but instead take care of smaller chinks then and there can dramatically boost your SEO campaign which could lead to higher rankings for your website and in-turn increased traffic and income for your business.

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