The eCommerce Submission Channels

social media marketingeCommerce Article Submission Channels

Social Media Networks
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and many other; the key is to find a channel that your users are engaged with and likely to interact with.

Content Recommendation Platforms
Platforms like Taboola and Outbrain are excellent methods to deliver your articles to a variety of publications. Make sure to analyze not just click through rates, but also conversion (for instance, a newsletter registration) from these sources to help you enhance where they’re posting your articles.

Email Marketing
Despite the countless proclamations that “email marketing is actually dead”, the problem is that a lot of online marketers don’t take the time to perform in a systematic as well as professional way, challenging preserving the integrity of their own contact database. When the people in your database would like to hear from you, they’ll open your e-mails.

Discussion boards and Communities
When you’re within a particularly specialized market, there are often communities, dedicated forums or even subsections of more mainstream discussion boards, that could be a great place to share your content.

Google is increasingly emphasizing semantic search. In an effort to influence your content’s search engine optimization performance, you have to think about each keyword as well as the actual language your customers are using.

Content Syndication
Websites like Business2Community, Social Media Today and others offer the opportunity to distribute content. If you’re able to find something similar in your industry, it’s worth exploring. Be sure to distribute wisely as it can have a negative effect on your Search engine optimization.

Guest Blogging
Provide a visitor to submit a post on websites that are generally highly targeted or simply slightly broader having a larger reach and considered “high authority” by the powers like Google.

Influencer Marketing
Know the individuals who have impact over possible buyers within your specific market, to orient marketing activities around all these influencers (YouTubers, Instagramers, Bloggers, etc.)

Evangelist Marketing
Your customers who trust strongly in a particular product or service will freely attempt to persuade others to order and use it. These people end-up voluntary advocates, actively spreading the word on behalf of the company.

Advocate Marketing
Your clients are considered the perfect people to spread your message. Having an advocate marketing system similar to Influitive is the perfect way to turn customers into promoters, encouraging them to share your content with their own networks.

The Practice behind copy-writing
Neuroscience clearly shows that the human brain has three layers, each one with a separate functionality; the ‘New Brain’ is the one that is most recently developed and is doing the logical thinking; the ‘Middle Brain’ preps an emotional level and does our feeling; and the ‘Old Brain’ makes the actual decisions, using input from the other two. On paper, we tend to use complicated reasoning to logic our products right into a customer’s cart, when in fact we should be dumping this down and appealing to the ‘Old Brain’. It all is dependent on the selling possibility.


Selling probability = Pain x Claim x Gain x (Old Brain)³

You need to recognize your client’s problems as well as acknowledge it before you sell them anything. After that, help make your claims to differentiate yourself from the competition. Keep in mind that the most effective claim minimizes one problem for a customer. At this point, provide your convincing proof along with specific evidence, data, testimonials and case studies. Prove what will be acquired by the client by using your product or service. Next, you are able to deliver it to the ‘Old Brain’ with an attention-grabbing title and intriguing visual that work on the natural curiosity and need to solve problems. It’s fairly simple to have fantastic copy that simply doesn’t convert. The ‘Conversion Equation’ helps you understand the art and science behind creating content that triggers actions.

Copy that Converts Utilizes the ‘Conversion Sequence

Probability of Conversion = 4Motivation + 3Value +
2(Incentive-Friction) – 2Anxiety Over Your Trustworthiness
C = 4M + 3V + 2(I-F) – 2A

To sum it up, the possibility of conversion is impacted by the amount of motivation the customer has in addition to how much value your product provides to their current need. This can be well balanced and counteract by any benefits you are offering and any friction making it more difficult to buy or any concern they may have about buying from you. In other words, what convinces a customer to convert and what keeps a prospect from purchasing.

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